Report Counterfeit Whimsy Products

Our industry is facing an uphill struggle to combat counterfeiting. Counterfeit products are illegal and the sale of these goods has damaged the crafting industry. It's a fight every day to report and take down listings from Chinese sites such as Temu, AliExpress, Wish, Shein, and even eBay and Amazon. Whimsy Stamps DOES NOT sell our brand of products through any of these sites. If you find our products there, they are counterfeit items and should be reported.

Whimsy Stamps is a family owned business and we pride ourselves on using only high quality materials, sourced from reputable manufacturers, in the production of ALL of our products. Many counterfeit items are made with inferior materials that will not produce the results you want or need and more so could be a safety concern.

All Whimsy Stamps products are created through collaboration with talented artists who are dedicated to bringing crafters new and innovative crafting products. When our work is stolen, counterfeited, and then sold without permission it is heart crushing. Please don't be fooled into thinking these are seconds or overstock items, these are ALL STOLEN products. These theives are getting bolder and using our branding on their sites to try to trick you into believing they are legitimate when they are NOT. When you purchase counterfeits you are supporting crime and the damage it's doing to the industry.

YOU have the power to help! You can report listings you see on any sites that purport to be Whimsy Stamps brand. We will investigate and when necessary report the listings for take downs. You can support the legitimate companies by not purchasing these products and help put these sellers out of business. You can show outward support by being vocal on social media about the damage counterfeits cause to our amazing crafting industry. And you can support legitimate companies by purchasing direct from the brand and showing support using these products in your crafting projects.

When in doubt, please reach out! Contact us ( and we will let you know if something is legitimate or not. We have licensed retailers around the globe who sell our products, which are purchased only from our warehouse and filled by our staff. All Whimsy brand products will be packaged and clearly marked as Whimsy Stamps. Products purchased without our branded inserts or UPC codes/item numbers or without any branded labeling should be considered as suspect and reported to us. This goes for craft shows too. If you see something that looks suspect, please report it to us.

Thank you crafters! We love this industry and will continue to fight the good fight to end the counterfeiting and Chinese take over of our economy. And with your help we can be vastly more successful!

Report counterfeits product listings

Whimsy Stamps and/or its artists and licensing agreements are copyright protected [copyright © 2008 - 2024].  Whimsy Stamps® is a registered trademark of Whimsy Stamps, 403 Sullivan Street Ste. 114, Punta Gorda, FL 33950 USA. All rights reserved.